Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Kuki Hair

A wonderful new salon on Bellenden Road in Peckham - Kuki Hair - only around a 15 minute walk from home.  I had my hair cut by Shingo and he did a lovely job.  I loathe getting my hair cut.  I used to get it cut every 7 weeks when it was short but somehow managed to go from February to November without even the hint of a snip.  I went in natural - I wanted Shingo to see what my hair does without training - thick and waves with more thick on top.  The hair wash was very relaxing and the chairs vibrated.  Shingo made my head feel light again and I was really pleased.  The salon looks a little unfinished, maybe that's the style they were aiming for.  But it didn't bother me.  Fun music on the hi-fi, a great hair wash and a great cut.  I think i'll be back.

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